THE " SPECTATOR."] Srae—The Somerset Committee for War Work among Women and Girls is urgently in need of funds to enable it to carry on its useful work of training and placing suitable women of education, high principle, and intelligence for the responsible work of patrols and police-women. Wherever they have been tried, patrols, police- women, and girls' clubs have proved their usefulness and great value in raising the tone of the locality, also in providing safe- guards and friendly help, guidance and protection, for the women and girls, and protection to the men quartered in the towns. The Committee finances the candidates during training at the. Bristol Training School (the only provincial one in the kingdom); makes grants to localities where the experiment of such officers is to be tried, but where the authorities are not prepared to bear the cost; and also gives grants in aid to War Clubs for women and girls where such clubs are found to be necessary. Women thus trained have been appointed in Bath; while in Taunton, Weston-super- Mare, and Clevedon they have been working in uniform as paid patrols with the sanction and approval of the Police Authorities, though supported by private funds. Not only is it appropriate that women and girls should be looked after by women, but if more women were employed in this capacity, more then could be set free for military service. Women to train for this work are urgently needed as the demand far exceeds the supply. All par- ticulars can be obtained from The Director, Women Police and Patrol Training School, 81A Queen's Road, Bristol. The cost individually is moderate, but it is continuous and soon mounts up. The money subscribed by friends and sympathizers two years ago is nearly exhausted. About ..t500 is needed for the growing work to be continued for another year. Will those who can do so, help the work? Donations will be gratefully received by Countess Waldegravo, Chewton Priory, Bath; or by the Treasurer, W. N. Steed, Esq., Tho Bank, Bridgwater.—I am, Sir, &c., • MARY D. WALDEGRATE. [There can be no doubt as to the usefulness of the women patrols and police, and we sincerely trust that Lady Waldegrave's appeal, will not go unanswered.—En. Spectator.]