British Wild Flowers. By W. Gravesen. (Headley Brothers. 7s. 6d.
net.)—As our gardens are to be devoted to potatoes and swedes, Mr. Graveson's book is a welcome reminder that, war or no war, there will be plenty of wild flowers. Ho estimates, after long experience, that he has found six hundred and twenty species, exclusive of sedges, grasses, and ferns, between January and October, and that seventy per cent. of these grow near his Hertfordshire home. His pleasant chapters, admirably illustrated with drawings by Mr. J. Wood and with photographs, describe his flower hunts month by month, mostly within reach of London, but with excursions to the South Downs, the Highlands, and elsewhere. He is not too severely technical, and likes to refer to Gerarde's Herball and to the poets, as a flower-lover should.