Pitman's Business Man's Guide. By J. A. Slater. (Sir Isaac
Pitman and Sons. 3s. 6d. net.)—A large amount of commercial and legal information is to be found in this book, which is arranged in the form of a dictionary. One interesting article headed "Commercial Products deals with many familiar and unfamiliar things, but under the head of " Soy " it describes the sauce made from the soya bean without men- tioning the tremendous commercial importance which this bean has acquired in recent years as a cattle-food, much to the benefit of Manchuria. Byron was the first, and possibly the last, poet to put soy into his line. In " Boppo," while dealing with Lent, ho mentions that fish must no t be served with sauces that have meat in them, and wonders how hard this is for
" Travellers accustom'd from a boy To eat their salmon, at the least, with soy."
Did Byron think that say was an animal product, or was ho merely assuming a meat stock foundation ?