READABLE NOVELS.—Behold and See. By Lilith Hope. (Hurst and Blackett.)—A
piteous account of the raiding of a convent in Belgium by Germans. The full horror from the point of view of the victims of such an outrage has never been more poignantly given.— The Bird of Life. By Gertrude E. M. Vaughan. (Chapman and Hall. 5s.)—The story of a modern woman, her marriage, emancipation, and final return to her home. Tho situation, however, is never resolved, but is merely interrupted by the outbreak of war.—Come Out of the Kitchen : a Romance. By Alice Duer Miller. (Hodder and Stoughton. 68.)—A most entertaining little American story of a Southern family of young people who let their country mansion with themselves as tho domestic staff. The young ladies being as beautiful as the day, many complications arise which are related with great humour.