7 APRIL 1933, Page 13


We never read the account of a " milling-match " without feelings of extreme disgust. From the titled blackleg who drives four-in. hand to the ring, down to the perjured ruffian whom he bribes to " fight a good cross," the whole race of the " fancy " are the objects of our thorough detestation. In prize-fighting, all that is not bru- tality is swindling. From the hour when the match is made, till the last round is over, and the half-murdered wretches can stagger up to " the scratch " no longer, it is all perjury, treachery, and bestiality. We make these remarks at the present time, from Hoeing in the Morning Chronicle, an account of tho pugilistic proceedings of the week. It was entitled " Field-day for the Fancy, and commenced in the following manner—" This being Taejon-week, those who have a ' passion' for milling yesterday bad an opportunity of gratifying their propensities in witnessing the decision of two matches between Harry Jones, commonly called the Sailor Boy, and Jack Cooper, the Gipsy, and Anthony Noon, yelept the Pocket Hercules, and Jack Lenny, vulgarly called the Cow-boy, The first of these matches was for 251. a aide, and the latter for 101. a side."