7 APRIL 1933, Page 14


To pass from a big bird to the very smallest, a golden- crested wren flew recently against the window of a neighbour's greenhouse and was picked up, it seemed, in extremis. The gardener, who knew about birds, maintained that there was only one possible method of revival ; and taking the bird in his hand he ducked its head into a bowl of water. The cure was marvellous. The tiny creature at once perked up, pre- sently quite recovered and became at once a friend of the family, showing no sort of fear when a friendly hand took it up or stretched out a perch. It lived in and about the green- house for a short week before departing on its journey. Within the last year or so I have known of exactly three birds that have killed or hurt themselves against glass ; and all three have been comparative rarities. They were a lesser spotted woodpecker, a hawfinch, and this golden-crested wren.