7 APRIL 1933, Page 3

Armaments and War Speaking at the annual meeting of Vickers

on Monday Sir Herbert Lawrence referred to what he described as the imaginative picture drawn by various pacifist societies of private armament firms deliberately stirring up strife with the intent of bringing about war and thus enabling them to sell more armaments. So far_ as any. such charge has ever beenjevelled at his own or any other. British firm —and it may. be.doubted whether it ever has—Sir Herbert Lawrence can safely repudiate it. But it is by no means so certain that no armaments firms anywhere do anything to create. scares with a view to stimulating a demand for their wares.. A good deal _more is likely- to be hard yet of the charges mentioned in these columns last week, against a Skoda Works representative in Rumania, and the calculated chilliness regarding disarmament displayed by various Paris papers known to be controlled by arma- , Inca firms is hardly to be regarded as mere coincidence. And was Krupps' before the War entirely guiltless ?

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