7 APRIL 1933, Page 30

Financial Notes


WITH the exception of Gold Mining shares, which have been active and strong on the satisfactory character of the returns for March, the Stock_ Markets have been quiet, during the past week. This is probably due to a recognition of the fad that the next two or three months are liXely to see important financial and political developments which may easily affect the fmancial and industrial ontloOk for many years to come. Before three months have passed it would seem almost certain that important developments will hare taken place both as regards War Debts and the World Eco- nomic Conference. Meanwhile, two further factors have tended to restrain Stock Exchange business, one being the uncertainty with regard to the nature of the Budget to be unfolded at (Continued on page 516.)

Financial Notes

. (Continued from page 514.) the end of the month, and the other being the near approach of the Easter holidays which usually tends to check businesson the Stock Exchange.

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