Q. I have a long-standing neighbour who is kindness itself
and also does much for the local community. However, he is a caravan addict and frequently parks his caravan where it not only partly blocks my view, often for several weeks at a time, but also tends to restrict access to my property. A few months ago I tried to hint that I was averse to looking at his caravan, by saying that my title deeds prohibited the parking of caravans and did he have the same
restrictions on his property? As the Americans say, he answered in the affirmative. Since I don't wish to upset my close neighbour, could you please suggest how he might be persuaded to remove it?
G.D.T, Kingston upon Thames A. Put the ball in the court of a low-cost local artist whom you can commission to produce a painting of your house. Let him be the one to make a neutral knock on your neighbour's door, asking whether it would be possible to move the caravan right out of the way for an unlimited period. 'I don't know how long the painting will take, I'm afraid,' he can say pleasantly, 'but I expect you won't want to leave the caravan hanging around here too long anyway — spoiling the look of your own house as well as the one next door.'