Sir: I read Ross Clark’s mean-spirited article about Red Nose
Day (‘Read the small print before you donate’, 24 March) with great concern. As the director of the Children’s Legal Centre I would like to make it clear that at no time was any charitable money from BBC Children In Need, or any other charitable source, spent on the House of Lords’ case of Shabina Begum. Shabina’s costs were covered in their entirety by her public-funding certificate, issued by the Legal Services Commission. All monies received from BBC CIN are spent on providing legal advice and representation to Special Education Needs children and their parents or carers who are seeking appropriate educational support for their children. Legal aid is not given for representation at Special Educational Needs tribunals, but without such representation children and parents find themselves at a distinct disadvantage. Ross Clark’s report may well jeopardise charitable funding for this very vulnerable group of children.
Professor Carolyn Hamilton Director, The Children’s Legal Centre, Colchester, Essex