WAR OFFICE. Aug. 3.-5t1e Regt. Drags.-Assist-Surg. G. Dolmage, from the 59th Foot. to be Assist.' Surg. vice Buyes, promoted on the Staff. 9th Light Drags.-Assist.- Slag. A. Stewart, tram the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Breslin, pram ted on the Staff. Ilth Light Drags.-Lieut. L. C. Elwes. from the 68th Foot. to be Lieut. vice Jenkitison, who exchanges. 13th, Light Drags.-Cornet C. H. D. Donovan to be Lieut. without purchase; G. A. F. Lott. Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Dono- van. 1st Foot-Ensign A. Gordon to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Courlenay. whose promotion has been cancelled; Quartermaster.-Sere. C. Broadly tube Ensign, without purchase, vice Gordon; A. F. Turner, Gent. to be Ensign. vice Hughes. dec. 2d Foot-Ensign W. J. Oldham to be I.ieut. by purchase. vic." Simmons. promotedAilhe Royal Canadian Regt. 25th Foot-Ensign R. M. Taylor to be Lieut. by purchase. fiZe Colborne, promoted in the Royal Canadian Regt. 39th Foot-Ensign P Flynn lobe Lieut. without purchase. vice Cox. appointed to the Royal Canadian Regt.; S. G. Newport. Gent- to be Ensign, vice Fhynn. 43d Foot-Ensign the Hon. J. Keunedy to he Lieut. by purchase, vice Jones, promoted in the Royal Canadian Regt.; R. H. Weylaud, dent. to be Ensigu, by purchase, vice Kennedy. 534 Foot-Lieut. the Hon. St. G. G. Foley to be Capt. vice Caruegy. who retires; Ensign T. H. Bathurst to be
Lieut. by purchase. vice Foley; R. 'f. Parker. Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Bathurst. 59th Foot- Assist -Surg. N. O'Connor. from the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg.
vice Dolmage. app.duted to the 6/11 Drags. 68th Foot-Lieut. G. S. Jeukinson, from
the 1 Ith Light Drags. lobe Lieut. vice Eluaa. who exchange's. Rifle Brigade- Lieut. W. II. Fraukland to he Capt. by purchase, vice Creabie, who retires; Second Lient. J. Gibson to be First Lieut. by purchase, vice Frankland ; J. F. Baku ith. Gent, to be Second Lieut. vice Gibson.
Royal Canadian Regt.- Second Lieut. A. J. Campbell, from the 23d Foot, to be Lieut. without purchase. Brevet-Capt. J. Knowles of the Royal Artillery, to be Major in the Army. Commissariat-Commissariat Clerk W. C. Coming to be Deputy Assist.-Commh- sary General. WAR-OFFICE. Aug. 6.--Scots Fusileer Guards-J. W. Hay, Gent, to be Ensign and Lieut. by lactase, vice Lyttelton, who retires. 2d Foot-G. Burgh. Gent, to be
Ensign, by purchase, vice promoted. 2Ist Fiat -Lieut. E. Edwards. from 30th Feat, to he Lieut. vice %Win. pi emoted. 231 Foot-W. P. Campbell, Gent, to be Second Lieut. without purchase, vice A. J. Campbell. promoled in the Royal Cana- dian Relit. 2511, Foot-T. I.. Mayne, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Taylor, promoted. 26th Foot-Ensign E G. Whi:ty to be Lieut. without puichw.e, vice Staff, (lee; G. N. Brediu. Gent, lob' Ensign. vice Whitty. 30th Foot-Lieut, J. W. Shawe, from the half pay of the 18th Light Map. to be Lieut. vice Edwards. appointed to the 2Ist Foot; Ensign T. W. Wilkinson to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Shawe, who re- tires ; E. A. Whitmme. Gent. to be Eusigu, by. purchase, vice Wilkinson. 54th Foot -Lieut. H Brown to be Capt. by purchase, N ICC F. Parr, who retires; Ensign P. L. C. Paget to be Lieut. by purchase. %ice Brown; T. Y. Ridley, Gent. to be Ensign, by
purchase, vice Paget. 34th, Foot-Capt. R. H. Wynyard to he Major, will pur- chase, sire Grant. dec.; Capt. It. Hutton, from half pay unattached, to be Capt vice Wynyard. 8.4 F.tot -Major J. Makay to be Lient.•Cut. is Meant purchase. vice Mar- shall, dec.; Capt. W. Stater to be Major. vice Mackay; Lieut. D. Watson to he Capt. vice Sister; Colour Serg. H. Bruce to be Adjt. (with the rank of Ensign), vice Wat- son. promoted; L. F. Bernard, Gent, to be Eusigu, by purchase, vice Glyuu, appointed to the Bide Briode.
Rifle Brigteoe-Assist.-Sur,g. E. G. Lloyd to be Surg. vice Ranken, who retires upon half pay; Assist.-Surg. H. Iladlyy, M.D. from the 40th Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Lloyd.
gd West India Regt.- J. 14. Hardie, M D. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Shirrefs, who re- signs. Royal Newfoundland Veteran C tmpanies-Staff Sergt. W. Bold, from the Liverpool recruiting distriet, lobe Ensign, with l t purchase. Royal Canadian Regt.-Assist.-Sorg W. Hall, from the Staff, lobe Surg. Uniettaelled- Brevet-Major A. M. Tulloch, on half pay unattached, to be Ma or, without pm chase.
Memorandum-The Christian names of Cornet Corbet, of the Royal Rect. of Horse Guards. are Vincent ItuwIteud. not Andrew Vincent Rowland, as previously stated. Orrice or 0111/PIAPICE, Aug. 4.- Orunance Medical Department -Assist.-Surg. 3. E. Winton:1810 be Surg. Aug. 5. -Royal Regt. of Artillery-First Lieut. H. S. Tireman to be Second Capt. vice Bevau, retired on half pay; Sec. Lieut. B. Willis to be First Lieut. vice 'fireman.