The reports from Herzegovina are still contradictory, but it is
evident that the Porte is alarmed, either by the insurrection or the possibility of diplomatic complications. The Grand Vizier, whose tenure of office is reported to be uncertain, has conceded the demand, so long pressed by the Austrian Government and Baron Hirsch, that the Roumelian railway system, when made, shall be connected with that of Central Europe at Belgrade.
Negotiations are going on about the cession of the Bosnian town
Svornili to the Servians, and an army of 50,000 Turks is being gradually accumulated to crush Herzegovina. It is believed that return for these concessions Austria and Servia will abandon e unlucky "rebels," who will, of course, share the, fate of the eople of Crete ; but there are the Montenegrins and their rince, who is a Russian pensioner, still to be reckoned with. t. Petersburg and Vienna, however, dread war, and unless Prince ismarck sees his way to occupy them seriously, the " Eastern uestion " will be postponed again. Some thousands of culti- tors will be murdered or exiled, but that does not matter, erzegovina not having yet produced its Mr. Plimsoll.