SIR,—In sequel to the letters you have published on "Irish Visions" will you accept another illustrating the modern ingenuity of the Celtic mind grafted on natural suspicious- ness and the ancient belief ? The incident occurred within the last few weeks in a somewhat remote district. A lady landowner, for the instruction and use of her poorer neigh- bours. had introduced the very modern implement for spray. ing potatoes with sulphate of copper to avert blight. One of the labouring class observed : 'Where is the use, Miss M—, of the like P Sure, isn't the blight the only last shuperstition that's left in Ireland P It be brought by the rich merchants in England and Dublin to make the poor people buy male and flour from them, and they have it arranged with the witches, who sends it in the fog." The speaker soon became one of the most active in applying the remedy,—let us hope to his own material and intellectual Mitchelstown Castle, County Cork, August 1st.