Signor Giolitti has fulfilled his promise to evacuate Albania. His
envoy has concluded this week an agreement with the new Albanian Government, by which Italy gives up Valona, while retaining the island of Saseno, in the Bay of Valona, and the right to use the bay for naval purposes. Further, Italy may fortify two capes of strategic importance, Linguetta and Tre Porti, and may work the mineral deposits in Albania. In return, Italy recognizes the independence of Albania and will urge her Allies to do the same. She will "never permit any other Power to violate the territorial integrity of Albania, and especially of Southern Albania." From the Italian standpoint, an hide- pendent Albania can be no menace to her security in the Straits of Otranto, at the entrance to the Adriatic, but an Albania under Slav or Greek control might conceivably be a danger to her. It only remains for the Allies to fix the frontiers of Albania,
and to determine, above all, where Southern Albania ends and Northern Epirus begins.