Mn Frank Brooke, a popular Irish landowner, was foully murdered
by a Sinn Fein gang on Friday week in the offices of the Dublin and South-Eastern Railway Company at Westland Row, Dublin. He was conversing with a fellow-director of the company, when the assassins walked in and shot him dead. We cannot but wonder at the apparent ease with which, in Ireland, Sinn Fein murderers obtain private offices and clubs and, having done their work, go away unmolested. Mr. Brooke was under police protection, but he had told his escort to leave him for a few hours., Ho was an intimate friend of Lord French and had been denounced in a speech by Mr. Barton, the Sinn Fein Member for East Wicklow. For making this speech Mr. Barton was recently sentenced to three years' imprisonment. The connexion between Mr. Barton's incitements and the murder is suspiciously clear.