Mr. George L. Fox, of New Haven, Connecticut, gave an
address at Caxton Hall on Thursday week on Sinn Fein in the United States. It is a real satisfaction to read the words of an American who sees the Irish problem in its true light, who regards the unceasing and cynical Irish intrigues in America as an unmitigated nuisance, and who does-not intend, if he can prevent it, that British and American relations shall be embroiled by fanatical Irishmen. Mr. Fox is of the opinion that the Shin Fein Irishmen in America are at the bottom of all the anti-British feeling. He speaks very plainly because he feels strongly. We are glad to quote some of the things he says about the anti-British movement as we should have hesitated to say them on our own responsibility. Mr. Fox does not speak without warrant ; he has studied the Irish question for thirty years and formerly was himself a Nationalist.