WORKS OF REFERENCE.—The Statesman's Year-Rook, 1920, edited by Sir J.
Scott Keltie and Dr. M. Epstein (Macmillan, 20s.), is more useful than ever now that the political map hai been transformed by the war. We are delighted to note the success with which the editors have contrived to follow the many mutations in states and governments. The information which they supply is remarkably complete, in view of their difficulties. Thus the recent appointment of the High Com- missioner for Palestine is duly recorded in its proper place, and the Mesopotamian census of this year is given at length. The section devoted to Poland is full and clear, describing incidentally the new Republican constitution. There are two maps, of the Near East and of West Africa.—The Michelin Guide (Michelin Tyre Company, 5s. net) is a useful handbook for motorists and bicyclists. It is arranged as a gazetteer of Great Britain, with plans of the chief towns and routes from each town to neighbouring places. When the reader has mastered the conventional signs employed, he will find the book very helpful on the road.—The Year Rook of Modern Languages, 1920, edited by Professor Waterhouse for the Modern Language Association (Cambridge University Press, 15s. net), is designed to give a summary account of the work done since 1914 in modern language studies. The editor has enlisted a number of scholarly contributors, such as Professor Gardner for Dante, Professor Okey for modern Italian literature, Professor Fitzmaurice-Kelly for Cervantes, Miss Armstrong for phonetics, and Professor Studer for Anglo-Norman, and thus the book will be of considerable value to students.