In the House of Commons on Tuesday there was a
debate on the Report of the Select Committee on National Expenditure with regard to the operations of the Ministry of Munitions and the Disposal Board. Sir Gordon Hewart, the Attorney-General, contended that the Report was full of gross inaccuracies, and he indicated these in detail. So far from the Ministry and the Disposal Board deserving criticism, thay had acted " ina business- like way" and had done "splendid service in disposing profit- ably of the nation's assets." The discussion turned upon the disposal of Slough and the St. Omer Dump. We can easily believe that the Select Committee brought some charges which cannot be made good on the full evidence, but we regret to notice that the Government have still no word to say in con- demnation of the transaction by which Colonel Spurner, an official of the Disposal Board, was required to do business on a huge scale with the firm of Leyland Brothers, in which his brother is a director.