The Divorce Law Reform Union has issued a reply to
the recent appeal of the Marriage Defence Council for funds to conduct a campaign against Lord Buckmaster's Bill. The Union states that the Bill, so far from granting facilities "such as very few other countries possess," will only bring our law somewhat into line with that of fourteen other countries as well as seven of our Colonies. "We contend," say the signa- tories, "that so far from the recommendations of the Majority Report of the Royal Commission as embodied in lord Buck- master's Bill tending 'to injure the interests of numberless men, women, and especially children,' they will give relief not only to 'a small number of hard cases,' but to many thousands of persons who have been waiting many years for their release. It is quite certain that if there is to be no other way of escape from a miserable marriage than by committing an act of adultery —the recent records of the Divorce Courts prove this—more and more people will avail themselves of that ground."