We publish elsewhere a brief Jannouncement calling the attention of
our readers to the fact that the Spectator is about to change its offices, and that after August 14th all communica- tions should be sent to the new address. Our departure from our present offices is necessary owing to the decision of the Office of Works to demolish several houses on the west side of Wellington Street in order to make room for new Govern- ment buildings. As our readers may imagine, it is with real regret that we leave the building with which the Spectator has been associated so long. But we have had the good fortune —particularly good in these days when many house-hunters remain homeless no matter how great be the ardours of the chase—to secure the lease of a very suitable building. 9 is No. 13 York Street, Covent Garden, W.C.—a house with a certain architectural character which will soften the change to new surroundings.