We should have wished, at all events, to complete a
hundred years in our present offices, but we must fall short of the century by nine years. The Spectator, which was founded in 1828, was published for one year at 159 Strand, but since 1829 it has been lodged continuously in Wellington Street. We discovered some time ago that our present offices were used before 1829 by the management of the Epsom Racecourse. The stone mounting step which was used by those who came to the offices on horseback remained outside the front door, we believe, till 1861. On looking back to the first number of the Spectator we see that the price was exactly what it is now, namely, nine. pence, but we may congratulate ourselves—without reflections which will be thought invidious on the proprietor and editor of those distant days—that in spite of the enormous current cost of production, a great deal more can be given for ninepence than was given then.