7 AUGUST 1926, Page 1

- M. Poineare spoke at length on that day. He

gave the first public recognition that we -have seen to .the party in France who have advocated letting the franc go the way of the mark in order to wipe out debt, extinguish Mortgages, and generally to make a vast undiscriminating capital levy on those whose wealth or fixed income is in francs. We had been unable to discover whether this party was strong enough to be taken seriously. Evidently it was, and M. Poincare thought it worth while to den6unce their defaitiste theory and to say, that the Government would do all it could to raise the value of the franc before stabilization. Two smaller details in the Bill arc of interest. The salaries of deputies and senators arc raised from 27,000 francs a year to 45,000 francs. The charge for a foreigner's carte d'identite is raised from 68 franeS to 875 francs, * * * *