TWO APPEALS F. M. LORD HAIG writes to us and
appeals for help for the British Legion. He is making a special effort at this twelfth, anniversary of the Declaration of War. " This Fund is bringing renewed hope and comfort to the many thousands of ex-Service men of all ranks, who through no fault of their own are in distress, to their dependants and to the widows and children of those who gave their lives." Donations should be made to " Earl Haig's British Legion Appeal Fund," and sent to the Organizing Secretary, Appeal Department, Britist Legion, 26, Eceleston Square, S.W. 1.
Cameron of Lochiel and others make an appeal which must interest Scotsmen and those who enjoy Scotland this or any summer or autumn. The West Highland Museum at Fort William needs more subscribing members and a capital sum of £1,200 at least. The Museum's " activities include, besides its galleries for art and museum objects and special exhibitions a library, lectures, historical and antiquarian research, pre- servation of local monuments in situ, fauna and flora, exam- ples of timber, stones, metals, spinning, weaving." Gifts and correspondence should be addressed to the Hon, Secretary of the Museum, Fort William, Invernesshire.