TURKEY. By Arnold T. Toynbee and Kenneth P. Kirkwood. (Bann.
15s.) TURKEY. By Arnold T. Toynbee and Kenneth P. Kirkwood. (Bann. 15s.)
Examers have labelled this a disappointing book, in that so many-ehaptins- end on a note of query, and that the author* are unduly favourable to the great experiment that Mustafa Kemal Pasha has made in transferring his capital, removing disloyal so-called Ottoman " subjects, and discarding or modernizing the ancient traditions of Islam. No doubt this is not a book that will endure more than a year or so : the dual authorship makes it at times self-contradictory and always rather scrappy. At the same time it deserves the attention of all who follow the destiny of the Turk, for we have here the latest trustworthy information on the problems and policies- that confront the dominant group at Angora who are trying to restore the greatness of the decadent race of Othman ?