There has been great activity among the disturbing elements, Tuchuns
and other, in China. The joint attack by the troops of Chang Tso-lin and Wu Pei-fu upon the Kuominchun army has not been a success since that army seems to have reached an impregnable position. Chang is not a man content to be anywhere but on a winning side. He has therefore arranged to join with his enemies to suppress his friend or rival, Vu. From the neighbourhood of Nanking Sun Chuan- fang is expected to advance into Shantung, leaving behind him the five provinces, Kiangsu, Chekiang, Nganhwei,•Kiangsi and Fukien, united under his leader- ship, as he claims, into one independent State. Further south the powers at Canton claim to have extended their rule-Over the.thiee provinces of Kwa,ntung, Kwangsi and Hunan.