7 AUGUST 1993, Page 23


Sir: Reading Anne Applebaum's explo- ration of the United Nations Os the UN really necessary?', 31 July) I had the impres- sion that, although I had never had any- thing to do with the UN, some of her descriptions seemed strangely familiar.

She described the UN as a place where symbolism is reality, where people believe that saying something can make it true, where discussing a problem is thought to amount to solving it.

Twenty-odd years ago I was employed by a bishop and involved in the multifarious activities of the diocese. I recall at the time noting that the standard procedure when any topic raised its head was to set up a committee.

A body of clergy and laity would assem- ble, pray for guidance from above, discuss the subject at length, promise to discuss the matter further at a future date and adjourn with a glow of satisfaction at a job well done.

Whether anything tangible ever came from many of these deliberations I very much doubt.

Eric King

90 Ombersley Road, Worcester