Nest of Girls. By E. W. Timlow. (W. and R.
Chambers. Gs.)—The story opens with the arrival at a girls' school Of the new teacher of literature. Then we are introduced to a dozen or so of the ' characters ; the development of cliques follows, and the scandal. The scandal takes the form of a. young man who comes under another name on the visit- ing day. The school is in the States. Everything is made clear eventually, after much heart-burning. The character of Hester Cameron, whose pride and self-confidence in her ability to right a scandal lead her into a very awkward position, is dis- tinctly well drawn. The head-mistress is probably a portrait, drawn with an enthusiastic hand. Some half-dozen characters have each original characteristics skilfully handled. Of these the most convincing is Lorraine, the lovable, attractive pet of the school, who, of course, has no heart at all, The others are no less lifelike ; indeed, they are delineated with more care, and we must congratulate Miss Timlow on the arrangement of many dramatic little scenes in which she so cleverly brings oat individual char- aeteristies. We think most girls will read A Nett of Girls with appreciation ; that is, if they have not passed much beyond the— to Miss Tiralow—critical age of seventeen.