7 DECEMBER 1929, Page 13


Residents and motorists passing through Westchester county, New. York, have been invited by the Westchester County Conservation Association to take drastic action against bill-boards, placards, posters and other wayside signs. A State law now prohibits the erection of advertising signs anywhere on the public right-of-way, and gives the public the right to remove them. Accordingly the Association appeals to motorists and residents to exercise the right by cutting down, or otherwise destroying, signs which come under the ban. Squads of axemen are being organized by the Association to extend the assault. Further evidence of the growing public concern for the amenities of the countryside conies from Massachusetts, where a Bill has been submitted to the State Legislature providing fines and other penalties for automobile owners who dump discarded cars by the wayside, and from the South, where women's clubs in ten States have adopted a pledge binding members to buy only products not advertised on the landscape. Similar pledges which, if adhered to, would amount to a very appreciable boycott of billboard-advertised goods, had previously been taken by women's clubs in the East, Middle West and West, so now the whole country is represented in the anti-billboard movement.