Reparations in Eastern Europe On Tuesday the Sub-Committee of the
Hague Con ference dealing with non-German reparations met to adopt its Report. The settlement would appear to contain four heads : (i.) Those debts owed by Rumania and Yugoslavia in respect of personal property and reparations to be .cancelled ; (ii.) Greece to receive additional reparations to cover . her debt payments by means of a reduction from the. percentages of the other allies, Rumania, however, to keep her full share of Hungarian and Bulgarian reparations ; (iii.) Czecho- slovakia to receive a percentage of the Eastern repara- tions to cover her " liberation debt " ; (iv.) the Great Powers to renounce their, title to Eastern reparations in favour of the Little Entente States as a means whereby the latter may meet the demands of Hungary. All this, of course, is subject to the final acceptance of the Young Plan. For ourselves we do not see how this settlement in any way removes the deadlock between Hungary and Rumania on the everlasting Optauts question. In this alone there is enough explosive material to blow up the final Hague Conference, and we appeal to the Government for a strong lead on the principle involved in that dispute. -