The German Nationalists Herr Curtius has made his first speech
to the Reichstag as Foreign Minister, and it was pleasant t6 notice how faithfully he followed in the footsteps of his master, - Herr Stresemann. He secured by a large majority the rejection of Herr Hugenberg's ridiculous Bill for throwing over the Young Plan: Nevertheless, under the COnstitu7 tion the Bill has to be submitted to a Referendum. Herr Curtius has little of the finesse of KIS predecessor, but he made very good fun of the Hugenberg Bill, which is a most solemn and pretentious farrago.. of Nationalist arrogance. Incidentally it provides penal servitude for any-Minister who negotiates a Treaty irreconcilable with the Bill ! *As for the question of " war guilt," what, Herr Curtius asked, was the use of a declaration on that subject ? - Germans had only one opinion, but unfortu- nately that opinion would not have the slightest effect upon the clause in the Peace Treaty.