Then, again, Herr Hugenberg asked the people to repudiate reparations.
What was the use of that ? Nobody wanted to pay reparations, but unhappily there was no practical alternative to the necessity of doing so. Herr Hugenberg is the type of the brilliant " business man " who, many thoughtless people seem to think, would be a good substitute for the typical " politician." In the debate he cut a poor figure, as nothing would induce him to rise to his feet and defend his Bill. The Referendum will be taken on December 22nd. The Government are confident that the votes- for the Bill will be a small minority, but they are not blind to the persistent Hugenberg propaganda and to the irrational force of the superstition that a successful industrialist' can teach a thing or two' to the Government. -Itrithin the Nationalist Party itself the few. intellectuals are ostentatiously cold-shouldering Herr Hugenberg. _Last Saturday the second zone of the Rhineland occupied territory was evacuated. by the last of the French and Belgian troops. * * * -