The Rock Bush A form of gardening that has many
attractions grows in favour. It is the rock garden that consists rather of shrubs than of the tiny plants belonging to an Alpine scree or moraine; or of the grass and rock that is in fashion at Chelsea. The finest garden of this sort that ever I saw was a red sandstone cliff rising from the Lune. The berried bushes, red amid the red cliff, made a scenic splendour that, of course, the rest of us cannot imitate. We can grow bushes in our rock gardens nevertheless ; and the Alpine Garden Society does a real service to the public as well as its members (who should multiply fast) in illustrating and printing an authoritative and suggestive account of the best shrubs to use. This catalogue raisonne is quite invaluable. Such a list cannot of course be exhaustive, and is indeed to some extent personal to a parti- cular garden ; but if one rejected bush may be mentioned, is not Berberis JVilsonae worth some emphasis ? It is now is lovely leaf and the bushes are very neat and truly dwarf And how easy it is to multiply 1 W. BEACH Thomas.