* * * Hidden Germany The smoke-screen behind which events
in Germany are enacted has drifted aside once or twice this week, and Tuesday's Times has been confiscated for what it contained—which was an analysis of the conflicting forces at work in the Protestant Church. Various signs, including an astonishing brawl in the Apostle Paul Church in Berlin on Sunday, have led to the belief that another stroke against the Confessional Communion is contemplated, in _spite of its recent apparent victory over the Reich Bishop. Herr Rosenberg's German Faith Movement, with its pagan obeisance to Nordic legend, appears to be 'gathering strength, and Christianity in Germany, both Roman Catholic and Protestant, may yet fmd itself fighting for life against a movement funda- mentally antagonistic taall true religion. On the political side the dismissal of Herr Bruckner, Nazi leader in Silesia, and associate of the ill-fated Heines and Roehm, reveals a fissure on which further developments may cast more light. Herr Furtw;ngler, the world-famous con- ductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, has resigned his post and several other leading musicians have followed suit. The Spectator will publish next week an analysis of the underlying situation in Germany from a special correspondent. now in Berlin. Trends. are more import. ant at this moment .than actual events.