SIR,—`,Anyone who has mixed freely with Africans in Southern Rhodesia
lately,' writes T. R. Creighton (Spectator, September 28) 'must recognise that Sir Edgar's easy-going contented natives are, almost to a man, in the remote rural areas now as much as in the towns, ardent supporters of Zap°; bitterly resentful of their position in society • • • etc. etc.
As one who can claim to have done just that almost every day for the past five years I would say that there was hardly a sentence in Mr. Creighton.; article which did not strike me as mischievous aria,. misleading. One does not have to be a member 01 the 'Antediluvian Native Affairs Department: a wholehearted supporter of Sir Edgar Whitehead, nor a 'white Baass,' and I am none of these things' to hope for something more objective in the columns of the Spectator.
The article has probably been forgotten by nn,!,,; one hopes that it has, but I fear that we do suffer from a somewhat antediluvian postal service. J. R. FrNwIcK
PO Daramobe, Enkeldoorn, S. Rhodesia