Large amounts of gold continue to be drawn from the Bank of England for exportation. The demand for money at the Bank and in the discountmarket, though somewhat less active, has been considerably brisk during the week, and a scarcity has been felt on the Stock Exchange. The market for English Securities o ed steadily on Monday : Consols were first quoted at 931 A for the 6th of eh, but some heavy speculative sales took place during the day, and prices generally declined. The tendency has been downwards ever since : Consols were today 93/, buyers only ; the market closes f firmer-931 to f. Other Stocks have been dull : Reduced, 94 1; New Three per Cents, 931 1. Bank Stock has been negotiated at 2161 and 217f. The monthly settlement in Consols was arranged quietly yesterday. The rate for advances on Government Securities has ranged between 6 and 61 per cent.
Forego Steels, have been dealt in more actively, although the business has not been of great importance, Turkish Six per Cents, 94 f ; the New Four per Cent Guaranteed, 1001 1. Mexican Stock has improved / per cent, and is firm at the closing quotation-211 2. Venezuela Bonds are also quoted f per cent higher-37 38. A meeting of the Bondholders is called for Monday next, to consider the terms lately submitted for the arrangement of the debt. Russian Five per Cents, steady at 108 10; Ditto Four per Cents, 967.
Railway Shares have been fluctuating 58. and 10s. during the week. Business has been limited, but the tendency is towards improvement in nearly all Shares. Prices do not present any material alteration. Great Westerns have been heavy, but have recovered the closing quotation of last Saturday, 651 6' London and North-Western, 1061 ; Midland, 82 Caledonian, 311 Great Northern, 23i ; Eastern Counties, 91 ; Bnghton, 107 108 ex dividend.
The French Market has been dull nd inactive ; the principal business has been in Paris and Lyons and Northern of France' but there is not any change in prices to notice. Luxembourgs have been 51, buyers; but they ()lose today at 544. Oude and Central Oude still at par and f premium. Punjaub, 3-16 5-16 premium.
An increase of 23,694/. is shown in the Bank return of the stock of bullion. There is a general heaviness prevailing all round this morning. Consols opened f lower than the closing price of yesterday afternoon934 4; little business of importance has as yet been transacted. Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares are dull at a shade lower valuations. Great Westerns have been done at 664; London and North-Western, 1064; London and South-Western, 106; Midland, 824; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 331.
The English Market closes flat ; Console 921 3. The transactions of the day have been unimportant. Railway and Foreign Stocks dull, with little change in prices. Joint Stock Banks have been dealt in freerlEmoday. The th following are e latest bargains—Chester and Holyhead, 354; East Lan cashire, 96; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 341; Great No A Stock, 794; Great Western, 66; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1071; London and North-Western,f1061 ; London and. South-Western, 1064; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 344; Midland, 824 : North British, 40; North-Eastoni—Berwick, 841; Ditto York, 614; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton 15/., 6 per cent, 1114; Pans and Lyons, MI. Joint Stock Banks—Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China, 44; Colonial, 24f • English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered, 184; London Chartered Bank of Australia, 181; Ditto New, 18; London Joint Stock, 32; Ottoman Bank, 141; Provincial of Ireland, 60; Union of London, 261; Western Bank of London, 41. Miscellaneous—Canada Government 6 per Cent January and July, 1101.
The dividend of the Great Western Railway, will be at the rate of 3 per cent per annum, with a balance carried forward of 17,000/.
The dividend of the North Staffordshire Railway for the past half-year is at the rate of 34 per cent per annum.
The Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton Railway is in an improving state. For the past half-year the Directors are enabled to pay the whole of the interest on the Six per Cent Preference Stock and carry over a smell balance.
The Great Southern and Western of Ireland will pay 3 per cent for the half-year, and carry forward no less a surplus than 18,0001.
The Stockton and Darlington Railway will pay a dividend at the rate of no less than 10 per cent per annum for the last half-year. The revenue of this line arises mainly from the conveyance of coals.
The annual meeting of the London and County Bank was held on Thursday. I dividend of 6 per cent for the half-year was declared, making a distribution of 11 per cent for the year. It is proposed to increase the paid-up capital from 600,000/. to 600,000/., by issuing new shares, and the reservefund is to be augmented. The alarm caused by the failure of the Royal British Bank caused many persons to withdraw deposits from the London and County ; on the 31et December the deposit and drawing accounts were reduced by about 600,0001., but since that time there has been a recovery of some 250,0001.: the amount due by the bank is now 3,543,824/. The Sadleir securities have so far realized more favourably than was at first expected.
The dividend of the English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank, for the last six months, will be at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, with 40151. to be earned to the reserve-fund.
According to the monthly Gazette return, the amount of current and deposit accounts in the Western Bank of London on the 31st January was 180,843!.: the business Hems to be gradually increasing in amount.
On the 31st of January the amount due by the Unity Bank to customers was 176,9741.
The Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China, propose shortly to commence business. An Auctioneers and Land Agents Exchange has been formed in London : one object is, by means of rules and regulations controlled by a Committee to raise the status of the trade, as that of stockbrokers and _jobbers hae been elevated by the surveillance of the Committee of the Stock Exchange.
The tallow-market still exhibits rising prices—on Monday there was a farther advance of Is. per hundredweight.
Business is very active at Nottingham, both in hosiery and lace ;. many new factories are in progress, and there is a scarcity of hands.
A meeting is about to be held of persons interested in engineering science in connexion with a proposal to establish a company for carrying out a patent of Messrs. Wetlaered Brothers, of Baltimore, for reducing the consumption of fuel in steam-engines by miiting common steam with superheated, either before or when it reaches the cylinder. The saving is alleged to be more than 30 per cent ; and a report made to the Admiralty has been published, in which that result appears to have been attained in a trial made some months back on board her Majesty's steamer Dee.
The narrow-gauge rails are now completed to Basingstoke, and an iminterrupted communication is thus effected between Birkenhead and Southampton. The Government Inspector has passed over the line, and certified to its being in working order. Already several trains have passed on to the South-Western line, and there is every possibility of an enormous through traffic in minerals. Last week the South-Western tested the utility of the junction by removing in their own trucks the whole cargo of a ship at Birkenhead, which was conveyed to Southampton.—Cheltenham Examiner.
An "international Bank" is in course of organization at Madrid ; the business to be conducted on the principles of the 'English joint-stock banks.
It has been estimated that there were 2705 commercial failures in _the United States last year : liabilities 11,000,0001., with assets amounting to only 25 per cent on that amount. More than a fourth of the failures occurred in New York.
CRYSTAL Paraez.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday February 6th, including season-ticket-holders, 5858.