In the year ending 31st March 1855 we raised by taxation 64,091,5711., while we spent 6,145,246/. beyond that total. In the following year, ending March 1856, the produce of taxation had swelled to 70,552,146/., but our expenditure was 22,597,165/. in excess-93,149,310/. in all.
Of the 70,662,145/. of revenue, Foreign and British Spirits contributed more than a seventh-10,350,479l.; Malt produced 6,676,349/,
Hops, 129,1161., Wine, 1,856,1201.; Sugar and Molasses gave 5,227,0661., and Tea rather more-5,802,0861.; Coffee, 587,6371.; Tobacco and Snuff, 5,006,6991. : these eight articles made up more than half the revenue35,635,552!. A second section of Excise and. Customs, containing a variety of articles, shows a total of 5,210,384/. Corn with its "nominal" duty of la. produced 353,066/. ; Ptipr, 1,047,430/.' Timber, 448,7561.; Excise Licences and Post-horse Duties, 1,399,6731.; Railways a constantly increasing item of revenue, 323,7911.
gt:raps gave the revenue 7,063,6101.: Deeds and Other instruments, 1,218,7371.; Probates and Legacies, 2,850,873/. Marine Insurance, 324,3831.; Fire Insurance, 1,280,4411.; Bills of ixchange and Bankers' Notes, 450,7521.; Newspapers and Advertisements,. 255,5421.; Receipts, 267,631/.
The Assessed and Land Taxes amounted to 3,136,0771.: the Land-tax produced 1,157,5251., Houses, 728,689/.
The Property and Income Tax swelled to 15,159,458/. The Postoffice showed an income of 2,767,201/. The balance of the revenue Was made up by receipts front Crown Lands and other sources.
And how was all this seventy millions spent, with twenty-two millions besides ? First there was the expense of collecting the revenue, _preventive service, and the like, consuming 2,863,3631. The Public Debt of all kinds required 28,112,825/. The cost of the Civil Government— the Civil List, allowances to the Royal Family, expenses of Houses of Parliament, Civil Department, Annuities—was 1,695,052/. Justice NWL113 far more costly-3,192,420/. Tho Diplomatic Expenses were 366,443/. If to these be added a variety of items—including Public Works, 950,5761., Post-office charges of collection, 1,578,2991., and Miscellaneous, 2,470,230/.—a total of about forty-ono millions and a half is obtained; the other fifty-one millions were spent on "forces,"—a costly article of which we sometimes find it necessary to have a large supply. Thus the Army cost 17,395,0591.; the Navy, 19,654,5851.; the Ordnance, 10,411,5441.; while a Vote of Credit was taken for the war to the extent of 4,200,0001.