[To the Editor of _THE SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—May I protest against Janus' sweeping complaint that the B.B.C.'s closing down last Tuesday after the Royal Funeral was " indefensible " ?
In his Opinion " the last ten hours of Tuesday " were un- bearable without broadcast programmes. He has condemned the broadcasts earlier in the week as unworthy and would, presumably, rather have -unceasing and bad wireless pro-
grammes. than' none at fa -
I belieVe that most listeners are grateful to the B.B.C., not only for the dignity with which the past week has been treated by them, but also for that respite from " instruction and entertainment' for those few hours when neither a continua- tion of the sadness Of the preceding days; nor a sudden rever- sion to "the daily programmes, would have been desirable.
The mentality of those who consider that wireless ad nauseam is the only way of getting through the twenty-four hours is truly 'pitiftil.—YoUrs faithfully,