7 FEBRUARY 1941, Page 27

THE SPECTATOR " CROSSWORD 1v o. 100 (A prat of

a Book Token for one guinea will bo given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week s crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be MIL ked I:1th the words "Crossword Puzzle" and the NUMBER of Me PUZZLE, shouid be received not later than first post on Tuesday week. No envelopes will opened Fefore noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. Thr name of the winner and the solution will be published in the follow-

ing Envelopes containing solutions must bear a old. stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A cann.o, be accepted.)

ACROSS T. Nor an instrument producing a great deal of music (to).

6. One gathers from Tennyson' that it is particularly striking on the dove in Spring (4).

to. Races which go far in the making of a charm (5).

it. The uppermost basket at sea 12. Searching for beauty (2 words) (4, 5)-

3. A quibble perhaps, but far from it in the Navy (5).

4. Tear about the objective (7). 6. The siege of it was raised in 1429 (7).

8. "Let me be cruel, not un- natural: I will speak - to her, but use none (Shakes- peare) (7).

. Desires disguised (7), 2. Return us by railway (5). . Chest also can be arranged for the vegetarian (9). 6. One of the things the youth with a banner had to beware

7. A).

rude Spanish dramatist (5). 8. " She may very well pass for forty-three In the - with a light behind her " (Gilbert) 4).

. Religious house containing a cash-box-very flighty (to). DOWN

I. Four-legged vessel (7). 2. "Call it a day," not very Welcome to the indebted (9). 3. A suggestion of negative husbandry in a sentimental ballad 5).

4. Letters don't come in by this (7).

5. Oh! my day is over, so I have to lay on the colour thickly (7).

7. Ward off (5).

8. The solution may be foimd in stones (7).

9. He lived in the Happy Valley (8).

15. He might be very mean (8).

17. Daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia (9).

18. Father gets round the star (7).

19. Philosophical jacket (7).

20. "Their scaly armour's Tyrian hue Thro' - purple to the view Betray'd a golden gleam " (Gray) (7).

21. Say! the fish are rising inside ; but it's an antelope (7).

23. Designed for travel, but now de-signed (5), 25. 66

laugh thy girlish laughter " (Watson) (5).