7 FEBRUARY 1958, Page 27



1 They must come down to earth to get things done (10).

6 Sour aspect of an old hero (4).

10 Key word is not quite all (5).

11 Omnipotent (3-6).

12 'And what will the robin do then — — ?' (4, 5) 13 Exalted old lawyer's fee (5).

14 Announcing the performance of an ode to Suez? (10)

16 A man and his mother (4).

18 'It is the little — within the lute' (Tennyson) (4).

20 Keep fit exercises within your newspaper? (5,. 5) 23 Composer of regal significance (5).

24 What's the manicurist saying? (9)

27 Sliding scales are essential with these instruments (9).

28 Frightfully borin', put roundly (5).

29 What a coarse queue!. (4). • 30 The mode for those awheel involves much copying (10).

DOWN 1 Accommodation offered by previous arrange- ment (3, 2).

2 Rushed to proceed, in the Far East (7).

3 Gossip who gets the bird (4-4).

4 Correct a sanctimonious lecture with strong animal tendencies (5).

5 Only go, Pal—you're so full of side! (9)

7 One of four in the turn of the month (7).

8 Kennel attendant possibly to schipperkes? (9) 9 Equipped for shooting or the sack race? (5) 14 Woodworker for a garage that gets a good soak up (9).

15 House-boat, possibly? (3-6)

17 Strange examples of 15 they seem (8).

19 The voice of the siren, isn't so musical! (7).

21 Its students have a lively curiosity (7).

22 Change of clothes (5).

25 Sally gets a raspberry from Jock (5).

26 His was 'The Christian Year' (5).

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened at noon on February I8 and addressed: Crossword No. 978, 99 Gower St.. London, WCI.

Chanthers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.

Solution on February 21 Solution to No. 976 on plge 187 The winners of Crowvord No. 976 are : Ma. C. OROAPIWNT, I S Rradsiock Road, Stoneleigh, Epsom, Surrey. and Mas V. B. MILLER Vicarage Cottage, Seal, Kent.