7 FEBRUARY 1998, Page 26

Too many Poms

Sir: Kim Fletcher's piece about Australia's nanny state (New south wails', 17 January) may have resulted from misunderstanding the Manly lifesaver's instructions.

Having no doubt spotted the creamy- white, skinny-legged Poms, probably in san- dals and socks with knotted handkerchiefs on their heads, he was encouraging them to `paddle' outside the flags, and hopefully to disappear over the horizon in the direction of New Zealand.


Australia has a small population which needs to be on constant alert in a very harsh environment. Overcrowded little Britain, on the other hand, can well afford to lose a few, especially amongst the ranks ofegotistical, supercilious, imperialistic, Whingeing (and in all probability freeload- ing) bloody scribblers.

Michael Kaufman

Unit 3, 945 Botany Road,


New South Wales, Australia