7 FEBRUARY 1998, Page 27

Whingeing ockers

Sir: David Morgan's letter (31 January) on patronising Poms prompts us to worry about Australia. This great country always wants some father-figure to moan about. Example: Australian prime ministers Fadden and Curtin insisted on the with- drawal of Australian troops from Tobruk in October 1941, at some cost to the Royal Navy, incurring Mr Churchill's disappoint- ment. This episode reveals some dysfunc- tion rather than military necessity (New Zealanders always stood fast). The Ameri- can alternative, Anzus, did not appeal because Americans did not appreciate the role of being father confessors to complain- ing ockers.

The Spectator should initiate a study in depth of the Australian quandary. This would enable all involved entities to benefit from a ripe conversational interchange; then we can all settle down and feel as much at ease in Earl's Court as in Manly.

A. N. Binder

Old Place, Speldhurst, Kent