WAR-OFFICE, Jan. 6.-2d Regt. Dragoon Guards : Lieut. H. Curtis to be Captain. by purchase, vice Smith, who retires; Cornet 11. 3.0. Vandeleur to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Curtis; W. Campbell, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Vandeleur- 9th Light Dragoons: Capt. j. Carnegie, from the half-pay, to be Captain, vice It. F. Shave, who exchanges, receiving the difference-17th Light Drag.: Cornet L. Ames to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Barron, promoted; W. 11. Fielden, Gent, to be Comet, by purchase, Nice Ames-3d Regt, Foot Guards : Ensign and Lieut. C. J. J. Hamilton to he Lieut. and Captain, by purchase, vice Sandilands, who retires; 3, J. AN-aide:grave. Gent to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice Hamilton-22d Regt. Foot: Seri.-Haj, R. Harker, to be Quartermaster, vice Merchant, deceased-33d Foot : Capt. C. Adair, from the 84th Regt. to be Captain, Nice Gray, who exchanges; H. K. Erskine, Gent. to. te nsign, 1w purchase, vice Hadley, promoted-55th Foot : Lieuts R. Cary, to be Captain, by purchase, via Sir L 3.8. Douglas, who retires; Ensign C. B. Daubeny, to be Lieut. by purchase, vie Cary-84th Foot : Capt. J. Gray, from the 33d Regt. to be Captain, vice Adair, who xchanges-89th Foot : Ensign C. Lee, to be Adjutant, vice Naylor, who resigns the Adjutancy only-91st Foot : Lieut. II. Curling, from the half- pay of the 30th Regt. to be Lieut. vice G. W. M. Levett, who exchanges, receiving the aitithence-93d Foot : Serj,-Maj. - Crozier, to be Quartermaster, vice Gordon, deceased. Unattached-Lieut. J. Barron, from tho 17th Light Dragoons, to be Captain of In- fantry, by purchase. Memoranda-Captain Ogden Creighton, half-pay Unattached, has been allowed to retire from the service, by the sale of an Unattached compauy.-His Majesty has been pleased to approve of the 821 Regt. retaining the appellation of" Tile l'rince of Wales's Veterans," in addition to its present number, and of its bearing the "Prince of Wales s Plume," with the above title, on its colours and appointments.