This Number begins the Fifth Volume of the Spectator. Notice
will be given when the Index to the Fourth Volume is ready for delivery. It is probable that we shall have occasion to print an additional impression of the Anatomy of the Peerage in the course of next week. All well- autlzenticatecl corrections, of any consequence, transmitted to the Pub- lishing-office in due time, will be embodied in the new impression.
Those who may have any directions to give respecting the transmission of the Anatomy, should address them to the News-agents through whom they usually receive the Spectator—Nor To us: with every copy of the Paper a copy of the Supplement is delivered to the Newsmen, and there our responsibility terminates. Some readers who failed to attend to this notification in our last Number, have written to us very uselessly on the subject; and some have fizrgot to pay their postage.
Musical Notices in our next.