The state of the Revenue, for the quarter ending the
5th instant, 'was published yesterday. We give the essential tables in another column. The entire falling oft' in the year just terminated, com- pared with the year ending 5th January 1831, is 3,984,175/. The entire decrease in the quarter ending 5th January 1832, compared with the quarter ending 5th January 1831, is 903,218/. There is an %.increase on the year of 32,000/. in the item of Post-office receipts, partly arising from the suspension of the privilege of franking dur- ing the dissolution, partly from the Duke of RICHMOND'S retrench- ments; and an increase on the year of 16,000/. in the item of Stamps. The chief falling off in the year and in the quarter is in the Customs and Excise. The decrease in the Customs is, for the year 1,000,0001., for the quarter 240,0001.; in the Excise, for the year 2,560,0001., for the quarter 565,000/. It is, however, to be observed, that during the year there has been a reduction of Ex- cise-duties of about three millions and a half, and of Custom-duties of nearly a million, exclusive of 243,0001., by which the receipts from the duty on corn imported this year falls short of last year. There are other smaller items which require similar correction, and which corrected, would show a relative increase of about 740,000/. arising out of increased consumption. So that, even if we admit the Standard's estimate, that a General Election ought to add a million to the Excise revenue—we believe a quarter of a million would be nearer the mark—here is at least three-fourths of it accounted for.
There cannot be a doubt, however, that the delay of the Reform pill, by the shock it has given to credit, has seriously affected the xevenue; and the revenue has also suffered, though that cause is snore temporary in its nature, by the quarantine regulations at home and abroad, consequent on the importation or growth of cholera. To the decrees of Providence we must bow, and it is most meet that we should do so humbly; but the time, we trust, is not far off when we shall no longer have to bend under the burden by which selfish men contrive to aggravate the weight of inevitable suffering.
There are three facts, of recent announcement, which those who oppose the will of the People would do well to consider, and that deeply—as we can assure them a very large proportion of the com- munity consider them: England has 600 millions of debt., and Eng- land has an hereditary House of Lords; France has 300 millions of debt., and. her Lords are for life only; America has no debt, and she has no Lords at all.