ley. To Mr. Rimell, who on Wednesday was one of
the opposing creditors, he owed 340/. for the hire of horses and carriages ; and he
went to prison in November 1890, nine months after he attained his majority. He had at that time six horses, one of which he made a pre- sent of to Eliza Morley ; the remaining five, together with a stanhope, had been sold by auction. His housekeeping expenses, independent of his tavern charges, were estimated at 750/. per annum. This hopeful young gentleman's case was adjourned sine die.
At the Middlesex Sessions on Tuesday, David Morgan, a young man of respectable appearance, was found guilty of conspiring to sup- press evidence, in the case of an alleged felon named Jones. Gower
and Rowland, two police-officers, by whose agency the suppression of evidence was rendered effectual, had been previously convicted and sen-
tenced to two years' imprisonment each. The crime was brought clearly home to Morgan ; but it appeared that he had been wholly prevailed on by the entreaties ofslOnes's mother, and had not received any part of the
money (611.) which she had paid as hush-money. The Jury, in con- sequence, recommended him to the merciful consideration of the Court. He was sentenced to six months' imprisonment.
At the Surry Sessions, on Wednesday,: a hackney coachman named Knight was condemned to six months' imprisonment and hard labour, and his brother, as accessory, to two months', for secreting a five-pound note which had been dropped by a gentleman in Knight's coach. They were recommended to mercyby the prosecutor. Had not this been the case, the Chairman said he would have sentenced them to transportation. The grounds of the recommendation are not given in the reports.
A shoemaker, named David Devise, was charged at Hatton Garden, on Monday, with disturbing the congregation of the Scottish National Church with certain exhibitions of the known tongue: . Devise was ad- mitted to the church while Mr. Irving was delivering his discourse. He had not been long there when he proceeded towards the pulpit, and placing himself in a theatrical posture, he interrupted the discourse, by deman-ding of the preacher a definition of that portion of the Second Commandment, which saith, "for I the Lord thy God am a jealous 'God, and visit the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and show mercy unto thousands in them that love me, and keep my commandments." Mr. Irving (who, very properly, permits no known tongue to be raised in the church, save his own) stopped immediately, and did not resume his discourse until the elders of the establishment called in a policeman, and gave the cobler into custody. Devise pleaded hot gin and ale _as the Inspirer and excuse of his mistimed question ; and the Magis- trate, who did 'not look on gin as a spirit whose promptings were to be uttered in church, held him to bail for his conduct.
A person named Dean' a teacher of languages in Tavistock Street, Covent Garden was on Wednesday committed for indecent conduct in the shilling gallery of Drury Lane Theatre on the previous evening. The "master" was splendidly equipped, when taken to the watch- house, with a gold watch and chain, diamond pin, gold eye-glass, and a handsomely trimmed coat. He said his name was Williams, and he had no particular residence ; he was, in fact, a schoolmaster abroad. He is now completely at home.
An inquest as held on Tuesday night at the London Hospital, on Elias Hart, a Jew, between 60 and 70 years of age, who died at the Hospital on Sunday last. The deceased, on the 12th ult. was going home, when William Bryant, a low Irishman, who was intoxicated, and quarrelling with some persons round him, struck him with a plumb- rule several blows on the head. Of these wounds the deceased died. A verdict of manslaughter was returned against Bryant, and a warrant issued for his committal for trial.
' A coal-merchant named Page, of Park Street, Marylebone, was fined forty shillings on Thursday, at Queen Square office, for sending out a couple of sacks of coals without a weighing-machine, in terms of the new act. The full penalty is 20/.
Mr. Earle, the ingenious head of the Pickle Fish Company, was on Monday committed for trial, on the two charges preferred against him by Price, his ex-clerk, and Mr. Woodhill.