The Manchester market, both for yarns and goods, exhibits a
very healthy and improving appearance. There is a decided inclination to make large purchases of the former for the East India market, and on suitable numbers an advance from recent prices is obtained without difficulty. Goods also, particularly power-loom cloths, made a readier sale at somewhat .better rates than were lately prevalent ; and, consi• dering the season, the market altogether exhibits a very satisfactory appearance. In money matters, the impression created by the un- toward situation of affairs at the Northern and Central Bank, is less serious than might have been expected.—Manchester Guardian.
Charges were preferred at Manchester New Bailey, on the 25th ultimo, by Mr. Heathcote, Factory Inspector, against Messrs. Long- shaw and Co., cotton-spinners, Pendlebury, for overworking children in their factory. The children were brought up to give evidence ; but they had been instructed by their mothers, immediately before going into Court, to swear falsely ; and for more than an hour each successive charge fell to the ground. The witnesses were then kept away from their mothers, and in nearly every subsequent case convictions were obtained ; and fines amounting to about 261. were imposed on Messrs. Longabaw.