An action for damages has been brought against the Edinburgh
Evening Post by the Reverend Dr. Lee, a candidate for the office of Moderator of the General Assembly. The damages are laid at 50001.
The Presbytery of Edinburgh have resolved to petition Parliament against the proposed arrangement of the City of Edinburgh's affairs, by which their salaries will be limited to 5001. a year.— Courier. [Here it is again—money, money ; the clergy are always squabbling with each other or their flocks about money.1 A public dinner was given, on the 22d of last month, in the As- sembly Rooms, Aberdeen, to Mr. James Adam, the editor of the Aberdeen Herald, which assumed the character of a demonstration in favour of civil and religious liberty. Thomas Burnett, Esq., younger, of Leys, was in the chair. Mr. Adam has been editor of the Herald. for about eighteen months, and has taken the side of freedom of con- science in all questions connected with the Church and religion. Be- fore his appointment to that paper, there was no advocate of conscience in Aberdeen. The clergy ruled a submissive people with absolute sway. Mr. Adam, however, appears to have discovered that there were some liberal and enlightened spirits within his sphere ; and he boldly addressed them, advocating the Voluntary principle in the Church, and absolute freedom from civil disabilities and social die- advantages for men of all shades of faith, whose practical principles .vere based in sound montlity.—Courier.