Last night's Gazette contains a notice from the Speaker, that
he will issue his warrant after fourteen days from the 2d instant, for the elec- tion of a Member for Melton, in the room of the late Mr. Ramsden. Lord Milton will probably be elected for this borough, in which Earl Fitzwilliam's influence predominates.
Commander Lapidge, of the Ringdove, has been promoted to be Captain ; and Lieutenants Otway and Le If .dy, of the Comet and Saracen, who distinguished themselves in the actions leading to the re- lief of Bilboa, have been promoted to the rank of Commanders.— Morning Chronicle.
A correspondent inquires how long the name of Mr. Philip Perceval has been on the Commander-in-Chief's list ? This young gentleman was till very lately at Oxford, but on the 22d of December was gazetted to a commission in the Blues. He is heir.appatent to the noted Orangeman, Colonel Perceval; and may, perhaps, inherit his uncle's Orange politics as well as his estate.
Field-Marshal Sir Samuel Hulse, Governor of Chelsea Hospital, died on Sunday, in his ninety-first year. He entered the army SeVenty. five years ago, and had seen a good deal of service. There are net: only four Field-Marshals in the British army-the Dukes of Cumber- land, Cambridge, and Wellington, and King Leopold of Belgium.
The office of Chief Superintendent at Canton, worth 60001. per an- num, and held at present by Sir George Abercrombie Robinson, is, it is understood, to be forthwith abolished. Despatches from Viscount Palmerston, announcing the abolition of toe office, were expected to reach China in September last.
The Brevet promotions have not been announced, but are expected to appear in next Tuesday's Gazette.