7 JANUARY 1837, Page 12


The Tories in Dunfermline were to meet on Tuesday last, and adopt a congratulatory address to Sir Robert Peel on his visit to Scotland. They are ins° to dine together on the 13th "in honour of Sir Robert Peel." Their activity will not be confined to exploits in gormandizing, for they intend to bring forward a candidate at the next election. A correspondent informs us that the Radicals have resolved to do the same ; and that they will assuredly carry their man, it' the Tories per- severe, as it was only by the united efforts of Whigs and Tories that

Lord Dalmeny succeeded against Mr. Crawfurd at the last election. The Whig Lord of the Admiralty coalesced with the Tories, and as.

sisted in getting their votes registered; and the righteous consequence of such folly will be Tory opposition to him, when the next contest takes place. This is the policy and practice of the Tories everywhere : they use the Whigs for their own purposes, sneer at them, and kick them.

Sir John Maxwell has issued an address to the electors of Renfrew- shire. It will be seen by the following extract, that, except on the Church question, Sir John is fur more Radical than Whig.

" Friendly to the Administration of Lord Melbourne—an Administration which has, by its legislation, extended our commerce and lessened our taxa- tion—I shall cooperate with it for the attainment of justice to our fellow coun- trymen in Ireland, which can only be obtained by the exclusion of the Tory faction from power. I will vote for a modification of the Corn-laws, fur an extension of the Suffiage,for any rational plan by which it may appear the prow

ceedings of the House of Lords may be brought into concord with those of the House of Commons. And that you, the ejectors of Renfrewshire, and all

other electors iu the three Kingdoms, may give your votes freely, fearlessly, and independently, I will vote fur the Ballot. As a tnen,ber of the Established Church, I shall support it, as the most useful and efficient of our National Churches, being free, as I sincerely wish the others were, from pluralities and sinecures, and the still greater enormity of immense incomes to absentees.' 1 am favourable to 'friennial Parliaments, to a Reformation of Our Law Courts, and to the reduction of all Taxes which press on the industrious classes. " It is not my intention to send hired agents to seduce and demoralize you— bribery and corruption of voters being Tory implements, I disdain to use them. I have lived among you all my life, and I have been a Reformer from my earliest years. What I have been assuredly I shall continue. " Should you elect me as your Representative, the local business of the county shall be strictly attended to; and should my conduct in Parliament not be perfectly agreeable to you, I will, on a requisition signed by a majority of my constituents, at once retire."

The Glasgow liberator strongly advises the Radicals of Renfrew- shire to take no part in the approaching contest between Whigs and Tories, for the following reasons-- "1st, They cannot be so false to their principles as to vote for the Tory. 2d, They cannot trust Sir John Maxwell, because he cheated them before, did all in his power to keep the Radicals back at the last election, and broke the pledges he had given to the Paisley people. 3d, Any interference to save the Whigs from defeat, only makes them snore ungrateful to us, and the Tories more determined against us. 4th, An anomalous compact exists in Renfrew- shire, composed of the leading Whig families; so long as this continues, the Radical interest will be kept down ; but defeat would destroy it ; and whether • that defeat were effected by the Tory or by themselves, the Radical power would be increased. 5th, Because a thorough Radical will assuredly give them an opportunity of showing their strength."

We should recommend to the Reformers of Perth to be looking sharply about them. The Tory party have it in view to start one of their kidney for the representation at next election. The faction are already at work. They name a young county Baronet, descended from a true Tory stock, as their man.—Perthshire Advertiser.