It is announced that the Earl of Carlisle is to have the Blue Riband, worn by the late Duke of Montrose ; and reported that Lord Aber- cromby is to succeed his Grace in the Lord-Lieutenancy of Stirling. shire, and Sir James Colquhoun in that of Dumbartonshire.
We can state with confidence, from authority on which we can rely, that the mission of the Earl of Durham is drawing to a close, and that he will soon return to England.— Tyne Mercury. [It will soon be time for him to return.] During Lord Melbourne's visit this shooting-season at Mr. Coke's of Holkhatn, his Lordship very narrowly escaped being seriously in- jured, whilst out one day with a party, on the grounds. A nephew of Mr. Coke having fired his gun, part of the shot accidentally came in contact with Lord Melbourne's foot ; but fortunately the charge was nearly spent, or the accident might have been serious.—Leeds Intel. ligenccr.
Lord Palmerston is expected in town, from Broadlands, to-day.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer has arrived in town from a visit to the Marquis of Northampton.
Lord Brougham returned to town on Thursday.
The young pretendant to the Marquisate of C—n, who was said to have placed his claims and documents in the hands of an eminent soli- citor, to prove he was the lineal heir of the late Marquis, is said to have abandoned his intention of prosecuting his claim to the family honour. The story to which this young gentleman, now eighteen years of age, is the hero, was the first circulated on the decease of the earl, eldest son of the nobleman in question, who was asserted to have formed a clandestine marriage with a lady in the neighbourhood of Lausanne, but which was ascertained, it was said, on inquiry, to be without foundation.—Morning Herald.